Celebrating 30 Years of the Well Women's Centre...

Gender is a powerful social determinant of health and well-being, economic and housing security, life choices and chances. This is especially the case in higher risk women such as those living in regional areas. Facing barriers to accessing health and support services places a higher risk on women for negative health outcomes, greater risk of poverty, family and domestic violence and exclusion from economic and social participation.

The Well Women’s Centre has been addressing such inequities and supporting women in Hedland for the past 30 years. This year we celebrate this major milestone and recognise the important history and legacy that led this amazing organisation to where it is today.

The Well Women’s Centre would not be in existence if it was not for the grit and determination of so many women with the drive to see change. How can you not be inspired by what has been achieved by women coming together. It’s a powerful force and women have the potential to change the world one piece and one day at a time when they can come together in unity. This is what the Well Women’s has done over its time. Every woman that has come in to contact with the organisation has contributed to the movement. It is exactly that. It is a movement for the people of Hedland.

This year we celebrate and thank those that began so many years ago going against the grain to fight for our equality, to fight for our health and wellbeing and to fight for change. This is the heart of the organisation, it is the reason why it has lasted through the years and continues to grow in strength. 

 “There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise” (W.E.B DUBOIS) 

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Well Women's Centre

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